In-Stock at Critter Cabana

Small Animals In-Stock List

Pricing Note
The listed prices are considered our 'a la carte' prices. Significant discounts up to 50% are usually given when purchasing an animal with the appropriate components.
We have the following animals available for sale, prices fluctuate often and may be different than what is shown:

Newberg Location:

Description Price Qty
SA Chinchilla (Fancy) Female $349.99 1
SA Ferret (Marshalls) $549.99 5
SA Gerbil (Female) $24.99 2
SA Hamster (Djung Marbled) F $29.99 1
SA Hamster (Robo) Marbled M $29.99 1
SA Hamster (Syr S/H Gold) F $29.99 1
SA hamster (Syrian L/H) Male $29.99 1
SA Hamster (Syrian S/H) Female $29.99 1
Learn more about our small animals.

Reptile In-Stock List

Pricing Note
The listed prices are consider our 'a la carte' prices. Significant discounts up to 50% are usually given when purchasing an animal with the appropriate components.

We have the following animals available for sale, prices fluctuate often and may be different: This list is updated nightly. Please call to verify availability.

Newberg Location:

Description Price Qty
:Anole; Green $9.99 5
Beetle; Death Feigning (Adult) $19.99 11
Beetle; Hairy Robot (Adult) $9.99 6
Boa; Dumerils (Normal) $449.99 1
Boa; Kenyan Rehome (Jackie) $119.99 1
Boa; Kenyan Rehome (Shauna) $119.99 1
Boa; Rosy $249.99 1
Dart Frog; Blue Azureus (JF) $59.99 3
Dart Frog; Blue Sip $89.99 1
Dart Frog; Green Sipaliwini JF $59.99 1
Dart Frog; Orange Galactonotus $89.99 2
Dart Frog; Super Blue & Green $86.99 2
Dragon; Bearded (Rehome) $74.99 1
Frog; Pacman (Albino) $34.99 1
Frog; Whites Tree $44.99 8
Gecko; Cave (Chinese) $149.99 2
Gecko; Chahoua (kit) $500.00 1
Gecko; Chahoua (Rehome) $799.99 1
Gecko; Crested (Baby) $124.99 1
Gecko; Crestie Kit (Large) $99.99 1
Gecko; Gargoyle (Baby) $199.99 1
Gecko; Gold Dusted Day $74.99 1
Gecko; Premium CrestieKit $120.00 1
Hognose; Albino $399.99 1
Isopod; 'Dairy Cow' 20ct $14.99 3
Isopod; 'Oreo Crumble' $0.99 19
Isopod; 'Oreo Crumble' 20ct $14.99 7
Isopod; 'Powder Blue' $0.99 18
Isopod; A. vulgare (PuCa) 10ct $43.99 1
Isopod; A. vulgare (T+Al) 10ct $43.99 1
Isopod; Dwarf White 500ct $222.22 1
Isopod; P. Dilatatus 10ct $17.99 2
JF Isopods 5ct Assorted $12.99 2
JF Springtails 32oz $15.99 6
Kingsnake; Brooks x Goins $124.99 1
Kingsnake; Florida (Mosaic) $199.99 1
Lizard; Green Keeled (F) $149.99 3
Lizard; Green Keeled (M) $124.99 1
LP Bromiliad; Mounted Sm $24.99 1
LP Bromiliad; Potted Lg $35.99 2
LP Calathea; Assorted Sm $13.99 1
LP Philodendron; Assorted Sm $9.99 3
LP Succulent; Assorted Md-Lg $16.49 3
LP Succulent; Assorted Medium $11.99 3
LP Succulent; Assorted Sm-Med $8.49 6
LP Succulent; Assroted Sm $6.49 6
Milksnake; Pueblan $114.99 1
Millipede; African Giant Black $159.99 1
Millipede; Arizona Choco $19.99 11
Millipede; Bumble Bee $9.99 5
Millipede; Giant Pink Foot $12.99 2
Millipede; Texas Giant Gold $24.99 13
Python; Ball (Pastel Leo Clo) $299.99 1
Scorpion; H. laoticus $24.99 1
Scorpion; P. imperator $89.99 3
Skink; Blue Tongue (Juvenile) $215.99 1
Skink; Fire (Juvi) $49.99 1
Snake; Corn (OkeeteeHred) $124.99 2
Spider; E. walckenaeri $49.99 1
Spider; P. audax $24.99 1
Spider; P. johnsoni $34.99 1
Tarantula; A. geniculata 0.75" $29.99 2
Tarantula; A. Michoacan .5" $74.99 2
Tarantula; A. sp. 'Geroldi' $89.99 1
Tarantula; B. albiceps sling $49.99 4
Tarantula; C. cyaneopubescens $109.99 1
Tarantula; C. versicolor .5" $69.99 2
Tarantula; D. pentaloris $24.99 2
Tarantula; G. pulchripes .5" $34.99 2
Tarantula; G. rosea $59.99 2
Tarantula; H. formosus .25" $29.99 1
Tarantula; I. mira $89.99 1
Tarantula; N. coloratovillosus $119.99 1
Tarantula; N. incei 'olive' 1" $19.99 1
Tarantula; P. irminia $39.99 1
Tarantula; T. kahlenbergi $129.99 1
Tarantula; T. schroederi .5" $49.99 1
Tarantula; T. stirmi juvi/M $189.99 1
Tarantula; T. vagans $29.99 2
Tetra; Panda $3.99 8
Thai Pink Dragon Millipede $10.99 60
Tortoise; Hermans (Adult) $249.99 1
Tortoise; Russian (Subadult M) $199.99 1
Tortoise; Sulcata LG (Kermit) $999.99 1
Tortoise; Sulcata LG (Rocky) $999.99 1
Learn more about our reptiles.

Fish In-Stock List

Pricing Note
The listed prices are consider our single fish prices. Significant discounts up to 70% are usually given when purchasing schooling fish in quantity.

We have the following animals available for sale, prices fluctuate often and may be different in Wilsonville or Newberg. This list is updated nightly. Please call to verify availability.

Newberg Location:

Category Description Price Qty
FW - Bettas
Betta; Crowntail $9.99 1
Betta; Female $7.99 2
Betta; Half Moon $16.99 2
Betta; Super Delta $14.99 1
FW - New & Old World Cichlids
Angel; Asst Colors <1.5 in $8.99 3
Angel; Asst Colors >2.5 in $26.99 2
Angel; Asst Colors 1.5 - 2 in $12.99 1
Angel; Asst Colors 3 in + $29.99 2
FW - Inverts/Oddballs
Frog; African Dwarf (x2 Lucy) $12.99 1
Shrimp; Amano $4.99 72
Shrimp; Amano (Snow) $9.99 39
Shrimp; Amano (Sun Orange) $5.99 20
Shrimp; Assorted Neocaridina $4.99 192
Snail; Assassin $4.49 12
Snail; Nerite (Asst FW) $3.49 9
Snail; Nerite (Horned) $4.99 14
Snail; Nerite (Tiger) $2.99 9
FW - Algae Eaters
Garra; Panda $9.99 2
Oto; Arnoldi (Common Oto) $3.99 5
FW - Catfish
Catfish; Hoplo (Albino) $19.99 2
Cory; Albino $5.99 11
Cory; Bronze $4.99 4
Cory; Orange Venezuelan $9.99 5
Cory; Peppered $4.99 1
Cory; Sterbai $8.99 10
Pleco; Bushynose (Alb Longfin) $14.99 1
Pleco; Bushynose (Albino;1-2") $8.99 1
Pleco; Bushynose (Lem Drp 1-2) $12.99 1
Pleco; Clown $11.99 1
Pleco; Inspector L210 $39.99 1
Pleco; Royal $39.99 1
Pleco; Rubberlip $12.99 4
FW - Labrinths
Gourami; Dwarf Flame $12.99 8
Gourami; Opaline $7.99 1
Gourami; Pearl $7.99 2
Gourami; Thicklip $5.99 2
FW - Livebearers
Endlers; Assorted (Female) $7.99 1
Endlers; Assorted (Male) $4.99 23
Guppy; Fancy Female $3.99 26
Guppy; Fancy Male $4.99 90
Guppy; Fancy Male (M. Blue) $4.49 25
Platy; Assorted Colors $2.99 63
Platy; Fry $0.99 3
FW - Botias & Loaches
Loach; Khulii (Black) $3.99 3
Loach; Khulii (Gold) $3.99 16
FW - Rainbows
Rainbow; Bosemani $16.99 1
Rainbow; Forktail $5.99 1
Rainbow; Neon Dwarf $4.99 17
FW - Barbs & Minnows
Barb; Cherry $4.99 24
Barb; Melon $9.99 3
Danio; Celestial Pearl $7.99 25
Danio; Emerald Dwarf $6.99 11
Danio; Glowlight $7.99 6
Danio; Zebra $2.49 1
Minnow; White Cloud $2.99 1
FW - Plants
LP A. barteri $9.99 32
LP A. barteri 'Nana Petite' $6.99 18
LP A. barteri 'Nana' $9.99 44
LP A. congensis $9.99 12
LP A. crispus w/ leaves $7.99 24
LP A. frazeri $9.99 11
LP A. gigantea $14.99 6
LP A. madagascariensis $11.99 15
LP A. Nancon $9.99 12
LP A. reineckii $19.99 3
LP A. reineckii 'Roseafolia' $1.99 23
LP A. ulvaceous w/ leaves $11.99 45
LP B. caroliniana (Ylw. Flame) $1.99 37
LP B. monnieri $1.69 4
LP C. caroliniana $1.99 10
LP C. lucens $3.49 8
LP C. parva $1.49 200
LP C. retrospiralis $4.99 24
LP C. spiralis $4.99 36
LP C. usteriana $4.99 24
LP C. wendtii 'Bronze' $3.49 9
LP C. wendtii 'Green' $3.49 53
LP C. wendtii 'Red' $3.49 11
LP E. Stellata per 2 inch $1.99 10.5
LP H. callitrichoides (baby t) $5.99 1
LP H. Corymbosa (Parawitota) $1.99 31
LP H. difformis $3.99 10
LP H. pinnatifida $9.99 16
LP H. Salicifolia (Stem) $2.99 22
LP L. heterophylla $1.99 4
LP L. Inclinata $3.99 29
LP L. nummularia $1.99 6
LP L. repens (broad leaf) $1.69 10
LP M. pteropus(Lace Java Fern) $6.99 39
LP M. umbrosum $1.99 2
LP N. aquatica $4.49 6
LP N. pedicellata 'Golden' $2.99 12
LP P. Fluitans (Per 1.5") $1.99 44.5
LP R. Macrandra (4") $1.99 30
LP R. magenta $1.99 6
LP S. Subulata (Dwarf) $3.99 49
LP Spider onion $14.99 8
LP V. Contortion (Corkscrew) $1.99 37
LP V. montagnei JF $11.49 4
LP V. Spiralis (Leopard) $3.99 12
FW - Characins
Badis; Scarlett $5.99 13
Pencilfish; Beckfods $1.99 3
Rasbora; Harlequin $3.99 15
Rasbora; Neon Green $5.99 20
Tetra; Black Neon $3.99 2
Tetra; Black Phantom $2.99 12
Tetra; Bloodfin $2.99 12
Tetra; Bloodfin Glass $2.99 18
Tetra; Congo (Yellow) $6.99 2
Tetra; Ember $2.99 19
Tetra; Green Fire $3.99 10
Tetra; Neon $3.99 9
Tetra; Orange Flash Flame $4.99 13
Tetra; Penguin $2.99 2
Tetra; Pristella $3.99 18
Tetra; Pristella (Gold) $3.99 6
Tetra; Rummy Nose $4.99 5
Tetra; Silver Tip $3.49 3
Tetra; White Skirt $4.99 6
Learn more about our aquatics department.

Birds in Stock

Pricing Note
The listed prices are consider our 'a la carte' prices. Significant discounts up to 50% are usually given when purchasing an animal with the appropriate components.
We have the following in stock, prices fluctuate often and are not guaranteed:

Newberg Location:

Description Price Qty
BL Budgie Assorted Colors $59.99 2
BL Conure; GC (Turquoise) $749.99 1
BL Conure; GC (Yellowsided) $749.99 1
BL Quail (Button) $24.99 4
Learn more about our birds.


We no longer offer puppy adoptions
NOTE: For many years we did our best to connect local breeders with local owners in our store. However, a lot has changed in the past few years and we no longer feel as though we can meet our customer's needs in this capacity and as of May 1st, 2023 will be focused on providing the best selection of pet food and the best prices.